Igor Grosu on farmers’ protests: It’s their right to decide how to act

IPN, 14 September 2024 20:00

The authorities are doing everything possible to help farmers affected by the harvest, but it’s their right to decide how to act. This is how Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu responded to the farmers’ announcement regarding the start of protests. The head of the legislature said that the lawmakers gave two readings to a draft law that allows farmers to suspend payment obliga

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The canteen of the National Theoretical High School “Aristotel”, where 65 students got poisoned with food, was closed. The National Food Safety Agency announced that it initiated checks, IPN reports.Until the epidemiological investigation continues, the canteen will remain closed. According to the Agency, the responsibility for food safety lies exclusively with food service
On September 17, the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen unveiled her nominated team of commissioners with whom she intends to work during the new term in office she won following the European Parliament elections of this June.Marta Kos, a left-leaning Slovenian diplomat who supports Ukraine, but has made conciliatory comments towards Russia, is set to take charge
The person who drove his car into a trolleybus that stopped at a waiting station near the Circus in Chisinau is 21 years old. The Drager test showed that the young man had not drunk alcohol.The information was confirmed to IPN by the press officer of the Chisinau Police Division Svetlana Scripnic. According to her, other circumstances of the accident are being established.A trolleyb
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